Veolia 2018-01-11T16:45:24+00:00

Magnus Commodities became an invested Company by the multinational Veolia, one of the most important companies of the world in the Energy sector. The participation of Veolia in our company’s capital is a reflection that the values guiding us and the way of performing our activities are attractive to a reference of knowledge and professionality in this sector. It is therefore of great value the capacity Veolia provides to Magnus in terms of Economics , Geographical Expansion and Commercial Exposition.

Even though the latter is of uttermost importance, we believe it is not the core resulting from the union of both companies. What is really crucial is that, combining the expertise of both organizations we obtain a portfolio of services packed and complete, a proposal of unique value in the market which merges Energy Efficiency (consume less for the same activities) and the Strategic Energy Purchasing Process (to pay in the ideal way for the final consumption). These are 2 vectors absolutely integrated, developed by true specialists in each area.

We are proud of Veolia’s decision to become a shareholder of Magnus, as well as deeply convinced that this Strategic decision will be satisfactory for both companies, as it is being in present days.