
Green energy subsidies: EU vs. US battle

By | 2023-05-04T08:58:18+00:00 April 26th, 2023|Categories: Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, Italy, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , , |

If the European Union has drawn a clear conclusion from the energy crisis derived from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it has been to accelerate the energy transition in order to reduce its dependence on energy sources from third countries, and not to repeat scenarios of high prices that have put domestic companies and consumers in check, and [...]

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The end of combustion – Electric vehicles 2035

By | 2023-04-21T14:59:08+00:00 April 21st, 2023|Categories: Energy Policies, Featured, Italy, M·Blog, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , , |

Introduction Growing concern for the environment and the need to reduce emissions of polluting gases has led to an increase in the demand for electric vehicles. These vehicles are a priority for governments and the transportation industry worldwide, as they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union has set an ambitious target to reduce [...]

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Demand Flexibility

By | 2023-04-17T12:51:50+00:00 April 17th, 2023|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, Italy, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , |

Energy despite being associated to human progress since its dawn, endorses a great intrinsic challenge, its management. In European markets, these management lays on two main actors: the market operator (MO) and the System Operator (SO). The market operator acts as a central procurement chamber where a marginalist price auction for each hour of the day [...]

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The future of nuclear energy in Europe

By | 2023-04-05T17:19:19+00:00 April 5th, 2023|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, M·Blog, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , , |

In 1973, at the height of the oil crisis, most of France's electricity depended on foreign oil imports. The then prime minister, Pierre Messmer, launched the famous Messmer Plan, an ambitious program with the aim of having France generate all its electricity from nuclear power. Four decades later, nuclear energy covers 71% of France's electricity production. [...]

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Roadmap for GOs

By | 2023-03-29T10:25:57+00:00 March 29th, 2023|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, Italy, M·Blog, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , , |

When power plants in Europe produce 1 MWh of renewable energy, a certificate is issued indicating how, where and when that unit of energy was produced. Companies can purchase these certificates, or Guarantees of Origin (GoOs), to claim that they buy clean energy and report on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019 we wrote [...]

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Capacity Market to Support Renewables in Spain

By | 2021-05-12T13:23:45+00:00 May 12th, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , |

Wednesday, May 12, 2021, the deadline for submitting allegations to the Draft Order that creates a capacity market in the Spanish electricity system is over. A long-awaited regulation by agents of the electrical system since the penetration of variable renewable energy, such as photovoltaic and wind, is continuously growing and will continue to do so. It [...]

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Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles – a threat to the electric car?

By | 2021-05-04T13:06:29+00:00 May 4th, 2021|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, M·Blog, Oil, Spain|Tags: , , |

The phasing out of combustion engine vehicles, whether petrol, diesel or hybrid, is a fact that will happen in the near future. It will depend on countries' commitments. In the case of the European Union, they are committed to transforming Europe into a highly energy-efficient, low-carbon economy. In fact, the European Commission expects hydrogen to account [...]

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What will the future of biogas in Spain be like?

By | 2021-03-09T11:14:49+00:00 March 9th, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , |

Biogas should be considered within the global energy system forecasts for the coming years, although as with all technologies, the future will be shaped by innovation, energy policies and market developments among other factors, so the next few years will be crucial. Description Biogas is a mixture of methane, CO2 and small amounts of other gases [...]

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The National Fund for the Sustainability of the Electricity System: First Impressions

By | 2021-03-04T10:46:46+00:00 March 4th, 2021|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , |

The transition to a completely decarbonized economy depends on a series of factors identified in the Government's energy planning: Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030, Long-Term Decarbonization Strategy 2050 and Draft Climate Change Law and Energy Transition. The objective is to achieve decarbonisation in the most effective and efficient way possible, enabling the necessary [...]

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Energy storage strategy in Spain 2030-2050. What can we expect from the new regulation?

By | 2021-02-16T10:59:34+00:00 February 16th, 2021|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , , |

In line with the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 where the Government has developed a new regulatory framework for renewables and a national strategy for self-consumption, among others, the Council of Ministers last week approved the Energy Storage Strategy. In this blog we will comment the fundamental aspects of this regulation and how it [...]

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