
LEDS: will they support renewables take flight?

By | 2023-06-05T06:01:16+00:00 June 5th, 2023|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Gas, Oil|Tags: , , |

Almost all of us know the legend of Daedalus and Icarus. To escape from Crete Daedalus built two pairs of wings by tying feathers together with twine and using wax to fasten them to their bases. The wings worked, and the two left the island in flight.  Daedalus warned his son to be careful: too close [...]

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Shifting toward LNG

By | 2023-05-13T12:21:21+00:00 May 13th, 2023|Categories: Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Gas|Tags: , , |

The worldwide natural gas market experienced a significant upheaval in 2022 when Russia drastically reduced pipeline deliveries to Europe. This created exceptional pressure on supply and led to a global energy crisis. However, Europe managed to surpass historical storage averages in their underground gas reserves due to a variety of targeted policy measures, a sharp decrease [...]

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CCS – Now or Never

By | 2021-03-16T15:41:05+00:00 March 16th, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Portugal|Tags: , , |

According to the Carbon Monitor the COVID-19 pandemic halted the CO2 emissions in 2020 with a 4% fall Y-o-Y. The major drop in percentage was registered in the transport sector due to the lockdowns and consequently flight restrictions while the greatest absolute reduction was witnessed in the power sector, mainly due to less demand and significant [...]

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What will the future of biogas in Spain be like?

By | 2021-03-09T11:14:49+00:00 March 9th, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , |

Biogas should be considered within the global energy system forecasts for the coming years, although as with all technologies, the future will be shaped by innovation, energy policies and market developments among other factors, so the next few years will be crucial. Description Biogas is a mixture of methane, CO2 and small amounts of other gases [...]

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By | 2021-02-11T08:41:16+00:00 February 10th, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Oil, Spain|Tags: , , |

After more than a year since the publication of Circular 3/2020, its complete reform of the Spanish electricity tariff system is no longer uncertain. The planned changes that everyone hoped to avoid are now here to stay. Last year, at this same time, we faced one of the most hotly contested directives of 2020, the famous [...]


The low hanging fruit for hydrogen

By | 2021-02-02T10:20:15+00:00 February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Gas, M·Blog|Tags: , , |

In December 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, an ambitious package of measures that should ensure that the EU meets its climate goals, while enabling European citizens and businesses to benefit from a sustainable green transition. In that sense decarbonization technologies are ramping up to mitigate the buildup of greenhouse gases and to [...]

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What is going on with the European gas prices? From one extreme to the opposite

By | 2021-01-21T11:30:03+00:00 January 21st, 2021|Categories: Energy Markets, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Spain|Tags: , , |

2021 starts with the hangover of a 2020 year to forget and a meteorological phenomenon that this winter has shaken the European gas markets. And by the way, it has contributed the wholesale power market break price records as well. All of this ended up in gas price levels never seen before (both for high prices [...]

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2020 in perspective

By | 2020-12-21T10:25:12+00:00 December 21st, 2020|Categories: Coal, Electricity Markets, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, Gas, Italy, M·Blog, Oil, Portugal, Spain|Tags: , , |

Everyone expected so much of 2020, setting it at an important milestone for the World with the globalization peaking and the technology and social barriers being tested constantly. On the other hand, the long trade war between US and China was weighing on the markets and a recession was on the edge. Despite that, no one [...]

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The USA and its return to climate change policies

By | 2022-08-22T19:51:35+00:00 December 9th, 2020|Categories: Coal, Energy Markets, Energy Policies, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Oil|Tags: , , |

The effects of America's withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change were short-lived. President-elect Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the pact as soon as he enters the White House. Most countries are eager to welcome America into the club of those who care about it. In the last eight weeks, China, Japan and South [...]

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What’s next for the U.S. Energy Future: U.S. 2020 Presidential Elections

By | 2020-10-13T11:45:18+00:00 October 13th, 2020|Categories: Coal, Energy Markets, Featured, Gas, M·Blog, Oil|Tags: , , |

After 4 years everyone agrees with the fact that we live in a different World, especially the American citizens that voted on November 8th of 2016 for their leader: Donald Trump. It has been four years of controversial leadership and governance, with strong positions and opinions, tweets and executive orders that shape a different America and [...]

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